Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national, progressive organization of members who are inspired by faith to act for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. Our work focuses on three key policy areas: poverty in Canada, climate justice, and refugee rights. For over 60 years, justice-oriented people of faith, along with churches and religious orders, have joined their voices as Citizens for Public Justice. Together, we’re working towards a better Canada.

Help us to be a hope-filled presence in Canadian public affairs by joining your voice to ours.

CPJ defines public justice as the political dimension of loving your neighbour, caring for creation, and achieving the common good. We work to keep public justice front and centre in public policy debates.

Our work focuses on three key policy areas:

Poverty in Canada

CPJ works to research, develop, and advance federal policy measures that build equity and put us on a path to eradicating poverty in Canada. We collaborate with a wide range of partners across the country, centering the voices of people with lived experience of poverty and other forms of systemic oppression.

CPJ meets regularly with parliamentarians to provide input on poverty-related legislation. We specialize in providing timely political analysis on these issues; developing resources for public education and for Christian faith communities, in particular; and mobilizing people across the country in non-partisan advocacy campaigns.

Climate Justice

CPJ plays a crucial role in urging the governments in Canada to adopt better climate change policy. Through research, analysis, partnerships, and government engagement, we raise awareness about the urgent need for action. We often work with church and denominational groups to help them better engage in advocacy on climate justice.

CPJ provides timely political analysis that is often referenced in the media and utilized by community groups across Canada.

Refugee Rights

CPJ is committed to the protection of the rights of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Canada and globally. Through research, policy monitoring, and publishing, we bring attention to the impact of legislative change on refugees and claimants, and on the groups that privately sponsor them to come to Canada.

We communicate our analysis and framing through public presentations, writing, advocacy, and workshops to audiences ranging from public officials, the media, churches, the public and our CPJ supporters.

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