the Catalyst, Winter 2019

Winter 2019 – Vol. 42, No. 3
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A Growing Need for Unity

By Willard Metzger

The recent federal election shows that Canada needs a rejuvenated sense of community, and people of faith are called to be a positive influence in encouraging a society that strengthens community.

In Review

This fall, CPJ has participated in the climate strikes, brought on several new interns and staff, and launched a new podcast!

Together, for the Common Good

By Karri Munn-Venn

Canada is at a crossroads. After a divisive federal election, the climate crisis is one among many significant issues that need to be addressed. Our governments, at all levels, clearly have important roles to play. So too do we, as citizens and as people of faith.

Moving Past the Middle

By Natalie Appleyard

Poverty in Canada is a crisis that needs to be prioritized. The fact that we do not see it this way betrays some of our deeply held beliefs about who is poor, why people are poor, and what (if any) are the responsibilities of governments and citizens to do something about it.

Working Together for Refugee Rights

By Stephen Kaduuli

When it comes to refugee rights, we need a government that is transparent, that listens and cares, and that is cooperative with other parties.

CPJ Brings Fall Election Tour to 12 Cities Across Canada

During the 2019 federal election campaign, CPJ hosted events to discuss key issues in this facing Canada including domestic poverty, climate change, and refugee rights.

Why I March

By Keira Kang

I spent the fall of 2017 in Barbados. I was there as an urban planning intern with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It was there that I first began to understand the magnitude of climate change impacts.

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