the Catalyst, Summer 2020

Summer 2020 – Vol. 43, No. 2
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What COVID-19 is Teaching Us

By Willard Metzger

The future to which we return must look different from the past. Not just in defending against an infectious virus, but also in resisting a society marred with poverty and ecological devastation.

In Review

This Pandemic Discriminates by Gender and Race

By Leila Sarangi, Leila Edwards, and Natalie Appleyard

We need to better understand who is most affected by COVID-19 and who has the decision-making power. This requires an intersectional gender-based analysis.

A Continuing Welcome for Refugees

By Stephen Kaduuli

This year, on World Refugee Day, CPJ published Continuing Welcome, a progress report on the impact of refuge rights advocacy efforts since 2017.

Recovering to Net Zero Emissions

By Karri Munn-Venn

The federal government has pledged to introduce legislation for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. As we recover from COVID-19, we must determine how that will be achieved.

Justice for Immigrant Frontline Workers

By Deborah Mebude

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government should take note of the fundamental role that foreign workers, including refugees, play in our food and health care systems.

Together for the Love of Creation

By Beth Lorimer

This national-level initiative is open to all faith communities and faith-based organizations who wish to take meaningful action for climate justice in the next decade.

The Canadian Church Must Break Ties with White Supremacy

By Bernadette Arthur

Our churches have largely refused to interrogate how they have participated and been complicit in discriminatory practices that marginalize and oppress racialized members of the body of Christ.

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