climate justice

The Chetamon wildfire spread quickly through Jasper National Park leaving a trail of destruction. This photo is a close up of the fire as it blazed through the forest in the Alberta Rocky Mountains.

CPJ joins ENGOs in demanding climate action in response to wildfires

When your house is burning, you act. Our hearts ache for Jasper and all communities across Canada experiencing extreme weather events and raging forest fires as a direct impact of the climate crisis. Citizens for Public Justice joins eighty other organizations calling for immediate government action to regulate fossil fuel emissions through an open letter….

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Consultation on Framework for an Oil and Gas Sector Emissions Cap

There is little question that we are currently in a Climate Crisis. In Canada, we see fires that overtake our forests every summer, the floods and droughts, and melting glaciers and permafrost, all of which can and have damaged our non-fossil-fuel natural resources and communities. As a northern nation full of natural resources, this affects…

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Smoke through the trees in forest fires

The Air We Breathe

What causes you to register concern? What are the necessary conditions to propel you to action? People of faith purport to be motivated by altruistic instincts, where a concern for the other initiates action. This truly is a shared value of faith. The teaching of Jesus instructs us to love others. Indeed, Scripture permeates with…

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Wildfire burning in red and orange color

The Way Through the Climate Crisis

Collectively, we have lost our way. Across the world, greenhouse gas emissions are rising to levels that threaten other species, biodiversity, and ourselves. We have failed to understand how polluting industries and constant economic growth cannot coexist with sustainable living if profit and materialism remain the focus. We have failed to acknowledge how low-income countries…

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Sowing the Seeds of Justice and Joy

In June, 2000, the city of Windsor, Ontario hosted the Organization of American States General Assembly. I had just started my first full-time public policy job and was excited to attend such a high-profile event. Rallies and protests were already familiar spaces to me and I considered them important opportunities to encourage political change. That…

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Engineer and Technician checking equipment in solar panels for great efficiency

Just Transition: Tending the Moral Summons

An increasing number of voices in Canada are calling on the federal government to tackle climate change and inequality together. At first glance, this might seem overly ambitious. Just addressing climate change alone will require big changes. To achieve the government’s commitment to net-zero emissions as early as possible, we will need to both accelerate…

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A clear water lake, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains

Emissions Reduction Plan is the First Serious Test of Canada’s New Climate Law

The past 12 months have brought the reality of the climate emergency to the front door of people across Canada. Since this time last year, Canadians have experienced killer heatwaves, disastrous flooding, and choking wildfires. In the midst of this climate chaos, it can be hard to remember that the passage of the Canadian Net-Zero…

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Earth Gospel Morning Prayer banner

Earth Gospel Morning Prayer

Watch the recordings of the Earth Gospel Morning Prayer – daily prayers, readings, poetry and reflections on the themes of creation care and climate justice. The Earth Gospel Morning Prayer sessions, hosted by Michael Norman, were broadcasted during Lent 2022.

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The 5 C’s of Christian Environmentalism

CPJ believes that every Christian has a mandate to care deeply about God’s creation, just as God cares for each and every one of us. In hopes to provide guidance for Christian environmentalists on how to contribute to the well-being of the natural world and all of Earth’s inhabitants, here are the 5 C’s of action plans that you can take to respond to today’s climate change crisis

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A Prayer for the Care of Creation

September 1 is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It also marks the beginning of the Season of Creation (September 1 to October 4), a period during which Christians around the world celebrate creation through prayer, action, and advocacy.

To mark this day, and this season, CPJ offers this prayer for the care of creation.

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