Donate to CPJ

For over 60 years, we’ve been a strong Christian voice for public justice in Canada, and your support is critical to help us continue our work. We appreciate your gifts, whether it’s by an annual, quarterly, or monthly donation.

Help make a difference, and add your voice to CPJ’s to make lasting change!

All donations to CPJ, including membership, are fully charitable.

Ways to Support Our Work

While we are grateful for donations at any time, the best way to support us is by joining our monthly giving program. Regular monthly donations of $20, $50, $100 or more can help us do so much more by having stable funding, and your money works for justice all year.

Here’s how to donate:

Click here to donate to the Justice House Fund.

We issue tax receipts for monthly donations at the beginning of the following year. A tax receipt will be issued immediately when using the form below or CanadaHelps.

Charitable registration number 89438 3512 RR0001 (CJL Foundation)