More ways to support CPJ

Planned Giving and Christian Stewardship Services

Planned giving is a way of sustaining us into the future. CPJ is a partner of Christian Stewardship Services, a charity that assists both donors like yourself, and organizations like us, in the area of estate planning or planned giving.

We recommend Christian Stewardship Services to our members and supporters as a reliable and trusted professional service that provides free advice about planned giving options. CSS can give you excellent advice on gifts of: bequests, charitable gift annuities, RRSP/RRIF plans, Life Insurance, or Appreciated Securities.

You can call them directly at 1-905-947-9262 or toll free at 1-800-267-8890. Or contact them at:

Christian Stewardship Services (CSS)
500 Alden Road, Suite 214A
Markham, Ontario L3R 5H5
Fax: (905) 947-9263

Please read through the attached pdf form to learn more about how you can sustain our public justice work into the future through your planned giving.

You can make an enduring gift to CPJ through your will as a bequest. A Bequest is perhaps the simplest form of planned giving to arrange and CPJ can be named as one of your beneficiaries. A bequest could involve cash, stocks, real estate or other property, but is usually a percentage of the residue of your estate which is given after your family needs are cared for. Preparing a good will, even early in adult life, is the only way to make sure your wishes are followed in the proper distribution of your estate. One popular example on how to include CPJ in your will is to equally divide your estate among your children with an additional “child” named charity. A family with four children would divide their estate into five equal portions. That fifth portion would then be divided among your favourite charities (which includes CPJ), as per your written instructions.

Features of the Bequest: * gifts of cash, stock, property, etc. * special tax incentives for gifts of appreciated property * simple to arrange * subject to probate * charity receives the gift on death of donor.

Charitable Gift Annuity
A gift annuity is an agreement whereby you would make a charitable gift to Christian Stewardship Services (designated for CPJ) and CSS will guarantee you an income for life from that gift – based on your age and according to the rates offered at the time the annuity commences. When the contract ends at the time of your death, the portion remaining in the investment would go to CPJ. Your gift would live on as a testimony to your commitment to public justice.

Features of the charitable gift annuity: * guaranteed income for life * irrevocable gift * income received partially/wholly tax exempt * gift not subject to probate * charity uses the gift on death of the donor.

Gifts of RRSP’s/RRIF’s
Upon your death, where a surviving spouse is not named beneficiary, registered savings are deemed to be disposed of and 100% of the remaining balance is added to your income in the year of your death. Since Canadians can now receive tax credits for charitable gifts of up to 100% of their income in their year of death (and retroactive one year) it might make good sense to gift these assets directly to the charities of your choice (like CPJ) through a beneficiary designation or a bequest gift in one’s will.

Features of RRSP/RRIF Gifts: * simple to arrange through a change in beneficiary or alternate beneficiary * revocable gift with the charity as beneficiary or alternate beneficiary * tax credits for donor’s estate * gift not subject to probate fees * estate still liable for tax due on disposition of asset.

Gifts of Life Insurance
A life insurance for yourself of moderate, tax deductible deposits that are leveraged over time could result in a substantial gift for CPJ at the time of your death. Usually, some variety of permanent life insurance is used to fund this type of gift.

Features of charitable life insurance: * simple to set up and manage * irrevocable gift if the charity is owner or beneficiary * tax credits for future premiums paid and cash values or tax credits for donor’s estate * gift not subject to probate fees.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities
If you face large capital gains income that results from the sale of appreciated, listed security, gifting them to charity could provide significant tax relief. Listed securities include stocks, bonds, and mutual funds which are publicly traded through the exchange.

The 2006 Federal budget enhanced the incentives for Canadians to donate publicly traded securities [shares or mutual funds] directly to charities by eliminating the payment of capital gains tax on such direct gifts. This enhancement creates an excellent gifting mechanism that may multiply the benefits to you and to your favourite charity (like CPJ). The new rules allow you to: realize significant profits from the appreciated securities you wish to donate; pay no income tax on the gains realized; make a generous gift to charity; and, make use of the excess tax credit generated from this gift to reduce other tax liability.

You are able to give such gifts during or after your lifetime – through your estate, depending on your circumstances and wishes. Securities may be transferred to a charity in either the following ways: (1) You deliver endorsed certificates to us and your gift is complete the day the certificate is delivered, or (2) You transfers the securities from your brokerage account to ours and the gift is complete when the securities are actually transferred to our account.

Features of Gifts of Appreciated Securities: * donation receipt for fair market value * irrevocable gift with excellent tax incentives * very favourable reductions in capital gains taxation * charity pays no tax on sale. Fair market value is determined for most securities from their closing price on the date of the gift.

Donating appreciated securities

Did you know that there are increased incentives for donating appreciated securities to charities like Citizens for Public Justice?

The 2006 Federal budget increased the incentives for Canadians to donate publicly traded securities directly to charities by eliminating the payment of capital gains tax on such direct gifts.

This creates a gifting mechanism that may benefit your favourite charities like CPJ. The new rules allow you to:

  • realize significant profits from the appreciated securities you wish to donate,
  • pay no income tax on the gains realized,
  • make a generous gift to your favourite charities,
  • make use of the excess tax credit generated from this gift to reduce other tax liability.

To qualify for this special tax treatment, the securities must:
Be publicly traded securities which include:

  • stocks or shares listed on an approved stock exchange
  • units or shares in a Mutual Fund
  • units of a segregated fund trust from an insurance policy

Have appreciated in value
Be donated in kind to a charity or public foundation

  • not sold by donor
  • ownership transferred directly to charity or public foundation

How do I gift my appreciated securities?
If you would like to make a gift of appreciated securities to CPJ, you can do so through Christian Stewardship Services, a charity that assists both donors like you and organizations like us in the area of planned giving. Christian Stewardship Services will receive your gift of appreciated securities and look after all the details by:

  • providing the necessary forms and information to handle the transaction,
  • selling the securities,
  • issuing a charitable donation receipt for the fair market value of the shares when received,
  • distributing the proceeds to the your favourite charities in accordance with your instructions,
  • giving anonymously on the your behalf (if you so wish), and
  • providing flexibility in distributing the proceeds – either immediately to your charities or holding them for you in an Endowment or Donor Advised Fund.

The following chart compares gifting $50,000 of appreciated securities with selling the security and giving the proceeds from the transaction.

Sell the shares and donate the cash Donate the shares directly to charity
Purchase price $10,000 $10,000
Current value $50,000 $50,000
Capital Gain $40,000 $40,000
Taxable Capital Gain $20,000 @ 50% $0
Tax Payable on Capital Gain@ 45% $9,000 $0
Tax Credit @ 45% of donation* $22,500 $22,500
Net Tax Credit used to pay other tax liabilities $13,500 $22,500
Benefit to charity $50,000 $50,000
Sum of Benefit $63,500 $72,500

* Tax rates vary from province to province

There is no cost to you. Christian Stewardship Services uses a discount brokerage firm to sell the shares and then distributes the proceeds to CPJ and your favourite charities at no charge.

If the opportunity to donate appreciated securities is attractive to you, please contact CPJ at 613-232-0275 or 1-800-667-8046 or cpj AT

Download this information on donating appreciated securities in the pdf format.

CPJ Loan Program

Investing in public justice

CPJ is looking for supporters who are willing to invest in public justice by providing loans to assist us with our cash flow through our periods of low income during the late spring, summer, and early fall months.

CPJ offers promissory notes for each loan specifying the terms. We are looking for three-year (or longer) loans of $3,000 – $10,000, but are certainly open to loans of lesser or greater amounts. We offer interest rates up to 4%, depending on the need or request of the lender. Interest is payable every six months, on June 30 and December 31. If necessary, loans are callable by the lender upon 60 days notice.

If you are personally unable to give us a loan, you might be willing to take out a personal loan which you could then lend to us. We are willing to cover all the bank service costs and the interest on the loan you take out, and take responsibility for paying it back according to the arrangements of the loan made by you.

Your risk
The lender’s only risk is if CPJ would cease operations. Should this happen, the staff and board of CPJ are committed to ensuring that all creditors including lenders are completely paid out before ceasing fundraising efforts.

Are you able to help?
Please consider our financial situation, and yours, and if you are able to participate in our loan program, please complete and mail in the pdf form, or call CPJ at 613-232-0275 or 1-800-667-8046. We will then prepare a promissory note and forward it to you immediately.

Adopt a CPJ member

CPJ needs more members to strengthen our impact and to become a stronger organization. You can help us increase our membership.

Do you know someone who you think would support CPJ? If your answer is yes, please consider adopting them as a new member.

It’s easy! And it will make a BIG difference to our work and our finances, now and into the future.

Here’s what you can do:

  • send us their name, address and phone number so we can welcome them, as well as your name and address,
  • pay their first-year membership fee of $50,
  • stay in touch,
  • ask them during the year if they are happy with CPJ.

Here’s what we will do:

  • welcome them aboard and mention you have adopted them,
  • send them the Catalyst; and other materials,
  • invite them to sign up to receive our monthly electronic newsletter, Ola!,
  • a year from now, we’ll ask them to renew their membership themselves.

You can phone us at 613-232-0275 or 1-800-667-8046 to arrange adopting a member, or mail in the pdf form.

Business Sponsorship

… a unique way for your business to support our public justice work!

CPJ would like to identify businesses which would consider sponsoring certain aspects of our work.

It could take the form of sponsoring CPJ advertisement space in various newspapers or magazines, or purchasing advertisement space in program booklets for CPJ public events.

Sponsorship could be beneficial for you and your business because you could (1) deduct your sponsorship as an advertising expense for your business, and (2) get exposure for your business in a community in which you may not normally advertise.

Sponsorship is helpful to CPJ because it allows us to generate extra income for our work and give out deductible invoices for the advertisement space sold.

If you’re interested, mail in the pdf form or contact CPJ at 613-232-0275 or 1-800-667-8046.

Donate your Air Miles

As part of our strategy to continue being financial stewards of our gifts and with the support of our family and individual supporters, we offer you today CPJ’s new Air Miles Reward Card.

We encourage you to use this card whenever you purchase items that also accept the Air Miles Reward Card.

Air Miles will be used to offset CPJ’s travel costs when staff attends conferences, meeting with supporters, visiting churches, travel by board members and costs arising from our AGM.

Help CPJ via United Way

Many CPJ supporters contribute to United Way in our community. Did you know that some United Way chapters allow you to designate your donations to specific charities? If you do contribute to United Way and have this option, consider designating part or your entire gift to CPJ. The United Way will still retain 15 -20% of this gift for their own work and you will provide valuable support for our public justice activities.

To donate to our charity you will need:
Our legal name: “CJL Foundation”
Our charitable number: 89438 3512 RR0001
Our address: 334 MacLaren St #200, Ottawa, ON K2P 0L4.

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