Join & Watch Seeking Justice Together

Thank you for participating in the Seeking Justice Together virtual conference!

All recordings have been linked below keynote and workshop titles.

To respect our speakers’ intellectual property rights, please do not share recordings with others.

Monday, May 17

Opening Keynote (Eastern)

Seeking Justice in Our Systems
Paul Taylor & Harsha Walia

Watch the recording

Opening Keynote (Western)

Lessons from First Nations Communities in Seeking Justice for People and the Planet
Melina Laboucan-Massimo & Chief Dana Tizya-Tramm

Watch the recording

Tuesday, May 18

Daytime Workshops

Racism in Canada – Heather Picart

Watch the recording

Download the Participant Handout (PDF) with recommended resources.

Seeking Justice with LGBTQ2S Christians – Rev. Michiko Bown-Kai

Watch the recording

Churches & Reconciliation – Jodi Spargur

Watch the recording

Disability, Faith, & Justice – Jasmine Duckworth

Watch the recording

Evening Keynote (Eastern)

Recording of “Lessons from First Nations Communities in Seeking Justice for People and the Planet”
Melina Laboucan-Massimo & Chief Dana Tizya-Tramm
Followed by a live Q&A with respondents Michelle Nieviadomy & Ed Bianchi

Watch the recording

Evening Keynote (Western)

Recording of “Seeking Justice in Our Systems”
Paul Taylor & Harsha Walia
Followed by a live Q&A with respondents Dieulita Datus & Jeny Mathews-Thusoo

Watch the recording

Wednesday, May 19

Daytime Workshops

Income, Immigration, Race, and the Law – Avvy Go

Watch the recording

Decolonizing Christianity Canada + Kenosis – Danielle Steenwyk-Rowaan & Ren Ito

Watch the recording

Seeking Justice in the North – Arlene Hache

Watch the recording

LGBTQ2S Youth Homelessness + the Right to Housing – Alex Abramovich & Michèle Biss

Watch the recording

Evening Workshops (Eastern)

Seeking Justice for the Love of Creation – Karri Munn-Venn & Keira Kang

Watch the recording

A Full Welcome for Refugees in Canada – Dena Nicolai & Mike Hogeterp

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Ending Poverty, Honouring Dignity – Natalie Appleyard & Leila Sarangi

Watch the recording

Evening Workshops (Western)

Lessons from Indigenous Spirituality – Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred

Watch the recording

Youth-Led Movements Seeking Justice – Deb Mebude

This workshop was unfortunately cancelled.

Unlearning Performative Allyship – Serisha Iyar

Watch the recording

Thursday, May 20

Closing Keynote

Seeking Justice from Within and Outside Systems
Romeo Saganash in Conversation with Jocelyn Bell

Watch the recording