Group Response to Draft CDB Regulations

Make the CDB What it was Meant to Be: Send a Letter

Submitting feedback on behalf of a group or collecting organizational endorsements is an effective way to encourage others to join your call.

What should we send?

CPJ has created a customizable template letter that draws on the key messages from CPJ and partner organizations. It provides you with suggested framing, statistics, and key messages and recommendations to improve the adequacy and accessibility of the CDB. Edit the document to add your own personal details and list the names of people or groups who are endorsing the letter.

  1. Download the letter template.
  2. Personalize your letter to increase its impact! Letters that have been personalized will carry more weight than just a form letter! Make sure to add your own details so they know why this matters to you and your community.
  3. Gather signatures. Find other individuals, community groups, faith communities, and organizations who want to show their support for an effective and equitable CDB. Add their names to your letter, along with contact information for at least one of the signatories for follow-up.

Remember, the deadline for responses to the draft regulations is September 23, 2024.

Who Should we Send it to?

The template letter has been addressed to the following people:

  • Hon. Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities
  • Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance
  • Ms Kerry Anderson, Director, Office for Disability Issues
  • Your Local Member(s) of Parliament

The letter template document also has an appendix with additional information, including contact information for Ministers Khera and Freeland, the Office for Disability Issues, and a link to find your local MP. There are also links to find more information on the CDB.

Keep us in the loop!

Please let us know if you’ll be responding to the draft CDB regulations and why this matters to you! We would love to share these stories in our advocacy with decision-makers.

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