CRC Youth join anti-poverty campaign

Published in on November 27, 2017

The federal government is inching towards developing its first-ever national anti-poverty plan, and CRC youth are adding their voices to the discussion.

As part of the Chew on This! campaign, high school students explored the issues of hunger and poverty here in Canada and talked about what can be done about it. The events happen each year on October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The students joined over 80 groups across Canada to pass out paper lunch bags that had in them a food item (such as an apple), a magnet and a postcard. The postcard included information about poverty in Canada and a call for the government to take action.

“Participation in this program is one authentic way in which we can be the hands and feet of Christ,” said Helen Krol, a teacher at Edmonton Christian High School. Her science class prepared 300 bags and distributed them to the entire student body.

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