CPJ encouraged by Mandate Letter and Poverty Plan

By Citizens for Public Justice

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON: November 13, 2015 –  In response to the release today of the Mandate Letter to the Minister of Families, Children and Social development, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is very encouraged to see the commitment to develop a strategy to end poverty in Canada.

“This is great news for low-income people in Canada!” said CPJ’s Socio-Economic Policy Analyst, Darlene O’Leary.  “It’s a commitment to a poverty strategy that will include set targets and measurements and be developed in collaboration with provinces, territories, and municipalities.”

CPJ, as co-leader on the Dignity for All campaign, released a model National Anti-Poverty Plan for Canada earlier this year. Over the past five years, Dignity for All has garnered support from 15,000 people in Canada who believe it is time for the federal government to step up and take responsibility for this country’s impoverished populations.

“We have pushing hard for this kind of commitment for years,” said O’Leary.

CPJ will be looking to ensure that the forth-coming Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy addresses six key policy areas: Labour and Employment, Food Security, Health, Income Security, Housing and Homelessness, and Early Childhood Education and Care.

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Contact:  Brad Wassink, Communications Coordinator, Citizens for Public Justice, at 613 232-0275 x.225 or .

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