the Catalyst, Summer 2014 – Vol. 37, No. 2

Summer 2014 – Vol. 37, No. 2
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In Review | Editor’s Note | Letters to the Editor

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Minding the Margins: Christians Must Look Beyond the Middle Class
By Janelle Vandergrift

The middle class’ concern for their own interests is legitimate, but people of faith must put a particular emphasis on the needs of the most vulnerable and ensure their voices are heard amid the political noise.

The State of Refugee Health: A Prognosis for Public Justice in Canada
By Doug Gruner

A shortened version of Dr. Doug Gruner’s keynote address at CPJ’s 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Jobs, Training, and the Common Good
An interview with Mike Luff

A Senior Research at the Canadian Labour Congress, Mike presented at the Dignity for All policy summit on Employment.

Defiance, Not Compliance: Turning the Other Cheek
By Leah Watkiss

As Jesus’ example demonstrates, even when we have no social, political, or economic power, we can still find ways to stand our ground, take control of the power dynamic, and cause people in power to see us in a new light without using violence.

Economic Justice: Are We There Yet?
By Joe Gunn

Conversations around contentious social, economic, and environmental themes are not always easy. Only inviting people who all think the same as you do is comforting – but rarely leads to stretching our knowledge base. Yet a recent conference in Edmonton set a hospitable table for dialogue on a range of political and socio-economic views, and it seemed to work.

Groundings: Hanging Out With Jesus: Today’s Christian and the least of these
By Allison Chubb

In our hurry to make meaning out of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we sometimes fail to stop and make meaning out of his life. Jesus did not just happen to stumble upon the underdogs of society on his way toward the cross. If anyone has ever lived life intentionally, it was Jesus.

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