Book Review: Live Justly

By Monique Verhoef

From The Catalyst, Summer 2015

Live Justly
By Jason Fileta, Ronald J. Sider, Eugene Cho, Kimberly McOwen Yim, Shayne Moore, Rene Padilla, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Sunia Gibbs
Micah Challenge USA, 2014

Reviewed by Monique Verhoef

I grew up on a steady diet of the phrase “where the rubber hits the road.” I recall it being used to say “let’s get real” or “now we are talking about what really matters.”

Micah Challenge’s book Live Justly is a “rubber hits the road” kind of book for those seeking to find traction in how to live out biblical justice as an integrated part of their daily lives. It is deeply rooted in scripture and the core beliefs that God is sovereign over all and that God loves justice. This book engages diverse learning styles to move the reader to consider living justly as an integrated act and expression of the love of God.

Designed to be a combination of thoughtful solo work processed in intentionally formed small groups, this study addresses six areas that are critical to a lifestyle of justice: prayer, advocacy, consumption, generosity, creation care, and relationships. The outcome, if one engages fully in the study, is a personal action plan around integrating justice as a lifestyle.

With a variety of readings from “boots on the ground” justice leaders, this study will serve as a great reminder for those who have already given thought to what it means to address systemic injustice and the many barriers people experience to full flourishing. Its true impact will come with some hard but well-guided work. Some of the practical activities and subsequent suggestions for action – calling your government representatives or looking at local and national poverty policies – are designed and delivered specifically for the American audience, but are, with a little effort, easily translatable for the Canadian context.

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