Book Review: Jesus on Justice By Don Posterski

By Citizens for Public Justice

From The Catalyst Summer 2014

Jesus on Justice: Living Lives of Compassion and Conviction
By Don Posterski
World Vision Canada, 2013

Reviewed by Karri Munn-Venn

Jesus on Justice offers a clear and compelling illustration of our Christian calling to seek justice and love mercy by modelling our lives on Jesus. Understanding that “Jesus was a cultural maverick, a social revolutionary and a religious innovator,” this “biblical action guide” addresses a range of issues through the lenses of exclusion, prejudice, power, and advocacy. The 16 short studies are both encouraging and thought-provoking. The formulaic approach – introduction, history, scripture, current challenges, and prayer – makes the book clear and accessible. Posterski is creative in his invitation to contemplation and action, encouraging readers to “be courageous enough to be truthful with yourself” and “discern where your spirit is quiet and should be disturbed.” Each study stands alone and the collection works well together.

Jesus on Justice, on the whole, is a good, engaging, and compelling read. Most illuminating, however, was the introduction. Posterski begins with the tendency of churches to “magnify our distinctive Christian messages” and breaks down understandings of the Holy Trinity, the Gospel message, and the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ. Necessarily limited in its brevity, this exploration of the various Christian perspectives is particularly useful as we live out our faith in increasingly ecumenical and interfaith contexts.

The book contains a strong public justice frame (though not named as such) that emphasizes our rights and responsibilities as global citizens to contribute to and benefit from the common good. Anyone who appreciated CPJ’s Living Justice: A Gospel Response to Poverty will likely find resonance in Jesus on Justice .

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