Award-winning newsletter

The Catalyst regularly wins awards at the annual Canadian Church Press awards ceremony.


  • the Catalyst “The Living Relationship Between the People and the Land” by Mark MacDonald – Third Place  -Theological Reflection
  • “Vulnerable Voices” by Sylvia C. Keesmaat – Second Place – Biblical Interpretation


  • “Infographic: We Are All Connected to Climate Change” by Miriam Mahaffy – Third Place – Original Artwork – Newspaper


  • “Income Splitting: A Contentious Debate within the Canadian Church” by Simon Lewchuk – Third Place – Features (Non-fiction) – Newspaper/Newsletter
  • “The State of Refugee Health: A Prognosis for Public Justice in Canada” by Doug Gruner – Third Place – Opinion Piece (circulation up to 9,999)
  • “Defiance, Not Compliance: Turning the Other Cheek” by Leah Watkiss – Third Place – Biblical Interpretation
  • “Winter 2014 Cover” – Pao Quang Yeh – Third Place – Front Cover Magazine  (circulation up to 9,999)


  • “Falling in Love with the Earth” by Stephen Bede Scharper – Second Place – Theological Reflection


  •  “The Northern Gateway Pipeline: Why We Cling to Oil” by Randolph Haluza-DeLay – First Place – Opinion Piece (circulation up to 9,999)
  • “Peace on Earth, Joy to the World!” by James Loney – Second  Place – Theological Reflection


  • “Taxes and Democracy: Two Sides of the Same Coin” by Chandra Pasma – First Place – Features (Newsletter/Newspaper)
  • “The Crux of Justice” by Greg Paul –  First Place – Theological Reflection


  • “Metaphors for Diversity” by Shiao Chong – Second Place – Theological Reflection -Devotional/Inspirational (Open)


  • “Tar sands fever threatens Edmonton farmland” by Cheryl Mahaffy – Second Place – Features (Newspaper/Newsletter)


  • Editor Louise Slobodian, Design Eric Mills – First Place – General Excellence (Newsletter): “The newsletter works! Articles communicate the function and achievements of CPJ and provide interesting and informative content. This newsletter continues to be practical and visually attractive. Layout is well-balanced with text, placement of pictures and colour. A professional publication!”
  • “The Revolving Door of the Justice System” by Henry Smidstra – First Place – Feature (Newsletter): “Thoughtful, well-written piece that draws on personal experience; writing as a chaplain gives the subject matter a legitimacy that a mere reporter would not have. Uses a personal story as a lead – we can understand people better than figures and ideas.”
  • “Parable of the Vineyard Workers” by Greg deGroot-Maggetti: “A compelling composition that juxtaposes biblical verses and images with modern day understandings of economic justice. This piece reminds us of why we attempt biblical interpretation in the first place – to transform the way we live on faith in the world.”


  • Editors Janet Somerville and Louise Slobodian, Design Eric Mills – First Place – General excellence (Newsletter)
  • “Mad farmers and BSE … 20 months later” by John Kolk. Features (Newsletter): “It is an articulate, challenging statement of concerns that doesn’t point fingers at others, but says, “Here are the issues, what will we do with them?” A very helpful addition to an important discussion.”
  • “Broadbent’s lament … and a politics of hopeful citizenship” by Mike Hogeterp – Opinion piece (Newsletter): “The author starts with a very real conundrum – cynicism about politics – and with effective use of research and personal observation offers hope for a very real solution.”
  • “Who’s safe in the ‘safe third’ agreement” by Chris Pullenayegem – Editorial (Newsletter): “Well written, passionate call for government to reconsider Safe Third Country agreement.”
  • “Abraham: from alien to citizen” by Janet Somerville – Biblical interpretation (Open): “Insightful treatment of the Abraham story. An elegant and engaging exposition on the theme of hospitality in the Hebrew scriptures becomes a touchstone for the modern day dilemma of immigration and refugee settlement.”


  • “God at Couchiching: a contested guest” by Dani Shaw – Best news story (Newsletter)
  • “Time to help shape a national child care strategy?” by Greg deGroot-Maggetti – Best Feature
  • “Can refugees breathe in a fog of suspicion?” by Chris Pullenayegem – Best opinion piece (Newsletter)
  • “A ruinously costly shield: or why King Solomon would love BMD … and why we shouldn’t” by Janet Somerville – Second Place – Biblical Interpretation (Open)
  • Editor Janet Somerville, Production Manager Louise Slobodian, and Designer Michele MacDonald – Second Place –  General Excellence (Newsletter): “A well written, well designed newsletter that reflects its purpose. I like the news feel. Good pictures and graphics. A ‘high impact’ publication. Very good! A newsletter with passion!”


  • Editor: Murray MacAdam – First Place General Excellence (Newsletter)


  • “Housing Crisis Stories” by Greg de Groot-Maggetti, Rebecca Higgins, Murray MacAdam, and Bob Hawkesworth – Honourable Mention – Features (Newspapers)
  • “Salvation here and hereafter” by John Valk   – Honourable Mention – Theological Reflection – Doctrinal (Open: All Publications)


  • “Drought ravages land & lives” by Jodie Sinnema – Honourable Mention – Feature (Magazines and Journals)
  •  Editor: Murray MacAdam; Designer: Michele MacDonald – Honourable Mention – General Excellence (Specialized Magazine and Journals)


  • Editor: Murray MacAdam; Designer: Michele MacDonald – Honourable Mention – General Excellence (Specialized Magazines and Journals)


  • “Sabbath: A Radically Alternative Image of God” by Sylvia C Keesmaat – Honourable Mention – Theological Reflection – Doctrinal (Open)


  • “Spiritual Tips for the Long Haul” by Jack Costello –  First Prize – SJ Theological Reflection – Inspirational (Open)
  • “The Multilateral Agreement on Investment” by Andrew Brouwer – Honourable Mention – Feature (Magazines and Journals)


  • “Loving God for Nothing” by Mary Jo Leddy – Honourable Mention – Theological Reflection – Doctrinal (Open)


  • “Let’s Put Herod Back into Christmas” by Richard Middleton –  First Place – Theological Reflection – Inspirational

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