Simon Lewchuk

Simon is CPJ's former Socio-Economic Policy Analyst. Prior to joining CPJ, Simon spent several years coordinating the outreach ministry and social justice efforts of an Anglican church in downtown Toronto. Through that experience, he gained a valuable first-hand glimpse of the reality of poverty in Canada. Simon holds a Masters of Theological Studies from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto and a BA in Political Science from University of Waterloo. Simon's background is steeped in various Christian traditions: Baptist, Mennonite Brethren, and Anglican. He is passionate about helping people discover how their faith informs and inspires both compassion and justice. Simon, his wife Ashley, daughter Sophie, sons Samuel and Ben, and their dog Maddy, live in Ottawa.

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Posts by Simon Lewchuk

Income Splitting

Income Splitting: A Contentious Debate within the Canadian Church

From the Spring 2014 edition of The Catalyst. Income splitting, also known as family taxation, would change the tax system so that it takes into account total family (rather than individual) income. It would allow higher income earners to transfer a portion of their annual income to the lower income partner to reduce the household’s overall…

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Finance Minister Jim Flaherty

Budget watch 2014: the need for visionary leadership

Budgets matter. Whether for a household, business, or government, they not only ensure we are being wise stewards of the resources entrusted to us, but reflect our values and priorities. They can be instruments used to bless and enrich the world around us, or they can perpetuate greed and self-interest. That is why CPJ follows…

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Mother and child

Is it time for a Guaranteed Livable Income?

Call it what you want – a basic income, guaranteed annual income, or guaranteed livable income – it’s an idea that’s gaining momentum both in Canada and abroad as countries such as Switzerland, India, and Brazil begin to test and consider such a program.

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A tale of two provinces: a case for action against poverty

Twelve years ago, British Columbia & Newfoundland and Labrador shared the distinction of having some of the highest poverty rates in the country. Ten years later, Newfoundland had one of the lowest poverty rates amongst the provinces while BC still had the highest. What made the difference?

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Looking beyond the numbers

The federal government’s announcement last week of possible reforms to the retirement income system highlights the fact that financial decisions are never just that. We must consider the social implications behind the numbers and how they reflect our values as a nation. The 2012 federal budget will soon be tabled, and Canadians have the opportunity to make their voice heard.

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The FTT: Part of the Solution

The Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) has been attracting a lot of attention lately. While the Canadian government has stated its opposition to increased taxation and decided to pursue austerity measures instead, what are the implications for the economy and common good?

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