Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Syrian Refugees

Syrian Refugees: Discriminating by religion is unacceptable

Inter-faith Statement on Syrian Refugees.

December 2014
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Faith groups, including CPJ, responded today to 
reports that the Canadian federal government is only looking to resettle Syrian refugees from the country’s religious minorities. In their statement today on Syrian refugees, faith leaders supported the Canadian Council of Refugees in affirming and insisting that discriminating by religion is unacceptable. 

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Faith Groups plan Climate Change Vigils on Dec. 7

Vigil in Ottawa to walk to Parliament Hill, Global Multi-faith Commitment Grows as Negotiators Meet


Ottawa, ON: December 3, 2014 – On the evening of December 7th, “Light for Lima” vigils are taking place all over the world.  People are gathering with candles and solar lanterns to show their concern about climate change.

Building on the momentum from the People’s Climate March where they mobilized tens of thousands of participants, faith groups are holding vigils in thirteen countries to pray for progress towards an international agreement to address climate change.  The vigils will take place as leaders are gathered for the crucial Lima climate talks. 

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Editor’s Note – Winter 2014

From The Catalyst Winter 2014 We live in troubled times. Every day there is more news of disease, strife, and war from across the world. We were recently reminded that these atrocities do not stop at our border. October 22 was a horrible, strange, and uncertain day for those who work in downtown Ottawa and, indeed, for…

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Letters to the Editor – Winter 2014

From The Catalyst Winter 2014 We want to hear from you! Submit your letters to Brad Wassink at ac.jpcobfsctd@darb or 309 Cooper Street, #501, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0G5. A Response to “Jobs, Training, and the Common Good” – the Catalyst, Summer 2014 It is very true that Canadian workers need the latest training in workplace skills to…

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Is your church Living Ecological Justice?

From The Catalyst Winter 2014

Facing the Challenge

“Lent is for searching,” said Father Wesley in one of his homilies. What is better than a book study?

But which book?

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Chew on This! a Success

From The Catalyst Winter 2014 October 17, 2014 was the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and for the second year in a row the Dignity for All Campaign organized Chew on This! At 45 events in 36 cities across Canada, food bank workers and anti-poverty advocates joined together to call for a poverty elimination plan….

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CRA Audits: Six Questions

From The Catalyst Winter 2014 A robust, independent non-profit sector that can freely engage in public debate… is vital for a healthy democracy. The prevention of poverty is not a charitable cause, but the alleviation of poverty is, according to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). That ruling, which required Oxfam Canada to change its purpose statement from prevention…

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Letter to Premiers: Protect Refugee Social Assistance

November 2014

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CPJ wrote to the Premiers of each province and territory calling for them to protect refugees from these cuts and not implement the changes Bill C-43 allows them to make. 

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Canada’s Invisible Citizens

Canada’s Invisible Citizens

From The Catalyst Winter 2014 June Callwood called children “Canada’s invisible citizens.” In the last years of her life, she worked tirelessly and passionately to bring an end to child poverty in Canada. She believed that “to them we cannot answer ‘Tomorrow.’ Their name is ‘Today.’ ” A Broken Promise In November 1989, the members of the…

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Protecting the Vulnerable

Brief to the Citizenship and Immigration Committee on Bill C-43

Submission to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration 

November 2014

Download the brief

“Protecting the Vulnerable” outlines the severe impact of these changes on persons with non-permanent status in Canada. It also presents findings from CPJ’s latest report on refugees, “Private Sponsorship and Public Policy” and demonstrates the impact that such cuts will have on refugee-sponsoring churches and organizations. 

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