Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Allow All Elderly Immigrants to Access Social Assistance

Immigration policies should allow elderly immigrants the financial freedom to access social transfers (provided, of course, that they match the eligibility criteria) without solely relying on their children or grandchildren. This independence can allow for the formation of deeper relationships without the financial stress of this undertaking contract.

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Of Pigsties, Stewardship, and the Flourishing of Creation

Groundings: Of Pigsties, Stewardship, and the Flourishing of Creation

From The Catalyst Spring 2015

At a recent meeting of CPJ’s Board of Directors, an agenda item proposed changing one word in our mission statement. After a spirited discussion, we voted unanimously to replace “stewardship” with “the flourishing of creation.” Despite the word change, the fertile biblical concept of stewardship remains a core element in CPJ’s vision and mission. Thus, the fascinating, somewhat comical, history of the word “steward” is rich and worthy of brief reflection by CPJ’s community.

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Letters to the Editor – Spring 2015

From The Catalyst Spring 2015

300,000 in New York

In “2015: A Big Year for the Climate,” Joe Gunn mentions that 300,000 people marched through the city of New York.

Judging from the tone of the article, the 300,000 who attended, probably most if not all, used a horse and buggy to travel to New York?

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Poverty Promises and Income Splitting

From The Catalyst Spring 2015

As a stay-at-home parent, I am grateful for a government that values our profound yet unpaid role in Canadian families. But did anyone ask stay-at-home parents if we want to enjoy income splitting tax savings when there are so many Canadians, especially children and our Aboriginal neighbours, in significant need? I for one don’t want to benefit at that cost. It is time to stand shoulder to shoulder and pay it forward to keep our promises.

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Reconciliation is Sacred Work

From The Catalyst Spring 2015

Canadians might not know it, but we’ve been deprived of the good contributions that Indigenous people could have been bringing to our collective lives.

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Katie-Sue Derejko

Why Canada Needs an Anti-Poverty Plan

By Katie-Sue Derejko

It is clear that unconscionable disparities exist in this country.

The statistics in the “National Anti-Poverty Plan for Canada” should be enough to convince most that something needs to be done to address them. It also clearly tells us that the piecemeal efforts and siloed funding initiatives we currently have in Canada are not going to be enough to address what many would define as a wicked problem.

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Press Release: National Leadership is Needed to End Poverty

#WeHaveAPlan – But Do They?

Citizens for Public Justice and Canada Without Poverty release a National Anti-Poverty Plan for Canada


Ottawa, ON: February 3, 2015 – It’s time for a plan to end poverty in Canada.  In a country as wealthy as ours, 4.8 million people struggle to make ends meet: to pay their rent, feed their families, and address basic needs. Today, Dignity for All, a collaborative campaign between Citizens for Public Justice and Canada Without Poverty, released their much-anticipated National Anti-Poverty Plan for Canada. 

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National Anti-Poverty Plan for Canada

It’s time for a plan to end poverty in Canada. In a country as wealthy as ours, 4.8 million people struggle to make ends meet: to pay their rent, feed their families, and address basic needs. Dignity for All, a collaborative campaign between Citizens for Public Justice and Canada Without Poverty, have released the National Anti-Poverty Plan for Canada.

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Provincial climate action, climate justice, climate change, provinces, Copenhagen

Letter to Premiers: Call for federal leadership on climate

January 2015
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CPJ has written to the premiers urging them to make climate protection a priority in their deliberations, and in their ongoing work as provincial and territorial leaders.

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Letter: Canada to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees

January 2015
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CPJ called for Canada to live up to its ongoing commitment to welcome one out of every 10 of all resettled refugees globally.

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