Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ launches church climate resource kit for COP21 in Paris

Justice group urges Canadian Christians to pray and act for climate justice during UN Conference

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON, November 3, 2015 —  World leaders are working to forge a new international climate agreement at the UN Climate Conference (COP21) in Paris from November 30 to December 11, 2015. COP21 has the potential to be a real turning point for the fate of creation.

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On the Margins: A Glimpse of Poverty in Canada

On the Margins

“On the Margins” reports that 4.9 million people in Canada (or roughly 1 in 7) live in poverty. It also provides a breakdown of poverty rates for each province and territory as well as the 20 big cities and small communities in Canada with the highest poverty rates.

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Faith Communities in Canada Speak Out

On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada

September 2015

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In conjunction with the United Nations Sustainable Development summit, Canadian faith leaders have called for climate justice in Canada—for all Canadians, and for the world. “On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada” addresses ecological justice, poverty in Canada, and Indigenous rights.

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Thousands Across Canada Call for Federal Action on Poverty

For Immediate Release Ottawa, ON, October 6, 2015 — As the federal election campaign nears its end, people in over 50 communities across Canada are taking to the streets on Tuesday, October 6 to call for a National Anti-Poverty Plan. In the lead up to the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on Oct….

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Divestment and Election 2015

Divestment and Election 2015

The movement to divest from fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy and climate solutions has exploded, growing fifty-fold in the past year. To date, 430 institutions and 2,040 individuals across 43 countries and representing $2.6 trillion in assets have committed to divest from fossil fuel companies.

Faith communities cannot, in good conscience, be strong advocates for addressing climate change while continuing to profit from fossil fuel companies.

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Introducing “Prayers for COP21 in Paris”

For God so loved the world. Throughout the creation story we hear of God’s pleasure at what has been created. Light, water, living creatures, and human kind. God looked at it all and declared “it is good.”

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As Pope Francis’ addresses the United Nations this morning, his message is already having an impact in Canada.

Press Release: Faith Communities in Canada Speak Out

On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: September 25, 2015 – As Pope Francis addresses the United Nations this morning, his message is already having an impact in Canada. Today, an inter-faith declaration, “On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada: Faith Communities in Canada Speak Out” was released by…

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Thank you!

Thank you, your submission has been received! CPJ is producing the 2015 Election Bulletin as a special additional issue of our award-winning magazine, the Catalyst. As such, we have incurred additional costs. Yes! I can help CPJ with a special donation for this important work!  

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DfA Calls on Premiers to Support National Anti-Poverty Plan

DfA Calls on Premiers to Support National Anti-Poverty Plan

July 2015
Read the Letter

The Dignity for All campaign has asked Canada’s premiers to bring their concerns about federal responsibility on poverty to the forefront of their priorities.

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Glorious and Free

Book Review: Glorious and Free by Bryce Dymond

From The Catalyst, Summer 2015

Glorious and Free
By Bryce Dymond

FriesenPress, 2015

Reviewed by Naomi Kabugi

Bryce Dymond reminds the reader that poverty is not entirely an issue for developing countries nor does one need to travel outside Canada to see it. Child poverty is a reality in Canada. The cycle of child poverty is a result of, among many other things, abusive homes, addictions, bullying, and mental illness. The story of Glorious and Free invites the reader to contemplate child poverty with an action plan not just to raise awareness about it, but to also contribute to programs that work towards eliminating child poverty in Canada.

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