Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Progress and Concern on Refugee Rights Day

On March 31, 2016, McCallum announced some exciting changes that directly respond to the concerns of private sponsorship groups and the SAH Council. These changes respond directly to CPJ’s concerns over restrictive caps and the government’s processing speed.

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Refugee Health Care Restored

The federal government will fully restore the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) to all refugees starting April 1, 2016. 

Citizens for Public Justice is celebrating, and across Canada refugees and their sponsors are sighing in relief—they no longer need to worry about how they will pay for their health needs.

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Statement from CPJ on TRC Calls to Action

March 2016
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In June of 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) released 94 Calls to Action to guide us towards a repaired relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and a more just and equitable future. CPJ has released a statement in response to the TRC’s Call to Action #48 and has also endorsed the KAIROS Education for Reconciliation campaign in support of the TRC’s Call to Action #62.i.

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Stories from “Prayers for COP21 in Paris”

In the lead-up to the COP21 climate negotiations last December, Citizens for Public Justice produced resources to support faithful worship, action, and reflection on climate change. CPJ also coordinated a national prayer chain. Canadians were praying for climate justice for 296 consecutive hours during the climate negotiations.

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Press release: Budget 2016

Significant progress, glaring omissions FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: March 22, 2016 — The 2016 Federal Budget, released today by Finance Minister Bill Morneau, includes significant measures that work to advance public justice in Canada. However, Citizens for Public Justice, noted that this budget fails to live up to the federal government’s commitments to national plans…

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CPJ staff in support of the Proud to Protect Refugees campaign

Budget 2016: Significant Progress, Glaring Omissions

“Growing the Middle Class” is the title of the first budget presented by Canada’s new federal government. The Liberals hope that citizens will find “sunny ways” inside these pages – and in several ways we should. But this budget also raises some important, longer-term challenges for Canadians.

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A Chance to End Child Poverty for Good

From The Catalyst, Spring 2016

by Anita Khanna

With the election of a new federal government, Canada must seize the opportunity for overdue transformation of its shameful poverty record. 

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CPJ Delivers Climate Petitions to Minister McKenna

March 2, 2016 marked a turning point for federal-provincial cooperation on climate policy in Canada.

Federal and provincial leaders, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis representatives, and a wide range of civil society organizations are gathering in Vancouver to discuss the future of climate change policy in Canada.

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CPJ Supports Joint Letter to PM on Climate Action

February 2016

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CPJ is pleased to be signatory to a joint letter to the Prime Minister calling for bold policy measures to address climate change, reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, and promote a just transition to a clean economy.

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Making Real Change for the Common Good

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations

February 2016
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CPJ believes that the federal government has a moral commitment to develop policy that is grounded in the common good, giving priority to addressing the needs of the most vulnerable in Canadian society and for ensuring that Canada contributes to the well-being of people and the planet.

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