Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Break the Barriers

Break the Barriers

People living in poverty in Canada face multiple barriers. As a country, we can do better to address these persistent challenges. We need a national anti-poverty plan that takes a comprehensive approach to the complex reality of poverty.

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Human rights key to poverty reduction plan

Anti-poverty group calls for Duclos to listen to Canadians with lived experiences of poverty


Ottawa, ON: October 4, 2016 — Today, Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development announced that he will be consulting with Canadians to develop a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy (CPRS).

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Restoring Dignity: A Strong National Anti-Poverty Plan

Submission to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

October 2016

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Canada is one of the world’s wealthiest countries, yet 4.9 million people live in poverty. That is 14.4% of us, or 1 in 7 people. The impact of poverty is far-reaching, hitting communities across Canada hard. 

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Faith leaders speak out for fairness and decent work

October 2016
Read the Statement

Joe Gunn, CPJ’s executive director, has signed on to the Faith Leaders’ Statement for fairness and decent work. He joins 22 Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jewish faith leaders from across Ontario. Read their call for an increased minimum wage and improved working conditions.

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More stringent carbon price needed to achieve climate goals

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: October 3, 2016 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged by the spirit of Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement of a carbon price as a central pillar of Canada’s climate action plan, but laments that the established pricing levels will do little to meaningfully reduce Canadian GHG emissions. As Prime…

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Climate Action Plan Needs Transparency

October 2016
Read the Letter

Along with 27 other environmental and faith organizations, and community leaders from across Canada, CPJ has called on Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna to include the voices of Canadians in the federal government’s Climate Action Plan.

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Infographic: 8 Canadian Symptoms of Climate Change

The effects of climate change are seen and felt around the world. However, as Canadians, we may sometimes feel removed from climate change impacts. Here are eight symptoms of climate change that are happening in Canada.

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Climate Change 101

Infographic: Climate Change 101

A visual explanation of the science behind the warming of the Earth due to GHG emissions.

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Delivering the Promise of Justice

Delivering the Promise of Justice

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations

August 2016
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CPJ believes that the Government of Canada must act on its commitments and develop policy that is grounded in the common good. We encourage the government to take a holistic perspective in the preparation of Budget 2017 – one that addresses the needs of the most vulnerable in Canadian society and contributes to the well-being of both people and the planet. 

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Letter: Uncap private sponsorship of refugees from Israel

July 2016

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CPJ wrote to John McCallum, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, asking that the federal government uncap the number of refugees from Israel that can be privately sponsored to Canada. 

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