Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Chew on This 2017

CPJ marks International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Dignity for All hosts over 80 events in every province and territory


Ottawa, ON, October 17, 2017 — Today is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, and Chew On This! events are being held by over 80 groups in more than 30 cities and towns across the country – from Vancouver to St. John’s to Yellowknife. Volunteers will be handing out 22,000 campaign postcards calling for a national anti-poverty plan that is based in human rights and fully-funded in Budget 2018.

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Poverty Trends 2017

High poverty rates for vulnerable populations in Canada

Canada needs a strong, national anti-poverty plan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: October 12, 2017 — People with disabilities and single adults in Canada are experiencing poverty at alarming rates. Both groups are being overlooked by Canada’s current policies. Today, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) released Poverty Trends 2017, its annual report on poverty in Canada….

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Poverty Trends 2017

Poverty Trends 2017

Poverty Trends 2017, our annual report on poverty in Canada, reports that 4.8 million people in Canada (or 13.9%) live in poverty. The report uses the Low-Income Measure (LIM), which defines the poverty rate as a 50 per cent of the median Canadian household income.

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Beyond Productivity: Promoting the Well-being of Canadians

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations

August 2017

Download the brief (PDF)

Focusing the budget discussion narrowly on productivity and competitiveness diminishes Canadians to our economic “value” as workers. This framework fails to account for personal fulfilment, community well-being, and ecological integrity. And, it ignores the importance and benefits of connection, culture, and creativity. Drawing on CPJ’s recent submissions to consultations on climate change, housing, and poverty reduction, and our work on refugees, CPJ hase developed a number of recommendations for Budget 2018 focused on human and ecological flourishing.

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Infographic: Not all oil is created equal

Infographic: Not all oil is created equal

The oil and gas sector produces more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than any other sector of the Canadian economy. Even without considering their end use for things like heating fuels or gasoline, the extraction, transportation, and refining of oil and gas contributes more than a quarter of Canada’s total emissions.

Beyond the volume of these emissions, we must also consider their carbon intensity – that is, the GHGs emitted for each unit of oil or gas produced.

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McKenna receives Give it up for the Earth! postcards

McKenna receives Give it up for the Earth! postcards

On Friday, June 16, CPJ delivered close to 2,000 Give it up for the Earth! postcards to an enthusiastic and visibly moved Catherine McKenna, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change.

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Increase Legal Aid Funding for Refugees

Letter: Increase Legal Aid Funding for Refugees

June 2017

Read the Letter

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) joins the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) to call on the Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Ahmed Hussen, to increase legal aid funding for refugee claimants and migrants. In a letter addressed to the Minister, CPJ noted that recently proposed cuts to legal aid funding by the provinces will reduce refugee claimants’ access to legal counsel, especially when such claimants cannot afford to hire a lawyer.  

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Flourishing Together

Flourishing Together

Poverty is more than a matter of low income, but it always includes low income. It is important that appropriate measures are available to provide accurate and current data about the broad reality of poverty.

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HUMA poverty report reflects many DfA recommendations

HUMA poverty report reflects many DfA recommendations

Committee calls for improved supports for vulnerable communities and a national poverty measure


Ottawa, ON: June 1, 2017 — The HUMA Parliamentary Committee has released a report on its recent study on poverty reduction strategies. The report, Breaking the Cycle: A Study on Poverty Reduction, summarizes what the committee heard its six-month study from the testimony of 162 witnesses and 74 submitted briefs. It outlines five areas of focus, including: income security; education, training, and employment; housing; mental health; and communities and neighbourhoods.

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Give it up for the Earth! event locations map

Giving it up for the Earth! from Coast to Coast to Coast

Over the last six weeks, throughout the season of Lent, Christians across Canada have spoken up for climate justice. A faith-in-action campaign, Give it up for the Earth! supported Canadian Christians in raising awareness about climate change in their communities, and taking personal action as a demonstration of support for stronger and more urgent climate action from the federal government. 

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