Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice


CPJ joins call to halt Kinder Morgan pipeline project

May 2018

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CPJ joined with friends and colleagues from community groups, environmental organizations, coastal businesses, and Indigenous networks to call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step away from the contentious Kinder Morgan pipeline project. The letter was signed by over 70 civil society organizations from across Canada.

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End fossil fuel subsidies

Letter to Morneau: End fossil fuel subsidies

May 2018

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CPJ wrote to Minister Morneau to urge him to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry starting by working with his Cabinet colleagues to develop an implementation plan and clear timelines for action. The oil and gas sector is the largest single contributor to Canada’s GHG emissions, and by extension, the main Canadian driver of climate change.

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Canada should fully waive travel loans for refugees

Letter: Canada should fully waive travel loans for refugees

April 2018

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CPJ along with our partners at the Christian Reformed Centre for Public Dialogue, Mennonite Central Committee, and World Renew, call on the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship to fully waive travel loan repayment for all refugees. 

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A Prayer for International Women's Day

A Prayer for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is both a celebration of women and our successes in achieving women’s equality and a reminder of the challenges that we still face.

This prayer from the Sisters of Mercy is a reminder of the many roles that women play, as well as a call to honour those roles. It is an adaptation of Miriam Therese Winter’s “Valiant Women” by Cathy O’Keefe, a graduate of Mercy High School in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Fossil Fuel Subsidies Don't Belong in our Climate Policy

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Don’t Belong in Our Climate Policy

CPJ has long advocated for an end to federal subsidies to the fossil fuel sector. In an effort to highlight this grave inconsistency in Canadian energy and climate policy, we made fossil fuel subsidies the focus of our 2018 Give it up for the Earth! campaign.

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Bill Morneau

A Gender-Based Budget with Little Ambition

Budget 2018 is an important symbolic step for women, but doesn’t go far enough

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged to see the federal government release Federal Budget 2018 with a gender-based analysis, the first federal budget in Canada to do so. However, Budget 2018 lacks the ambition needed to make real advancements for all women in Canada, particularly those living in poverty or struggling to make ends meet. Without meaningful funding for a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy, this budget leaves them behind for another year.

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Bill Morneau

Press Release: A Gender-Based Budget with Little Ambition

Budget 2018 is an important symbolic step for women, but doesn’t go far enough


Ottawa, ON: February 27, 2018 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged to see the federal government release Federal Budget 2018 with a gender-based analysis, the first federal budget in Canada to do so. Proposing legislation on pay equity and improving women’s access to jobs are both important pieces in tackling women’s economic equity.   

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Precarity in Canada Requires Comprehensive Poverty Plan

A new infographic series shows how people in Canada are struggling to make ends meet FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: February 8, 2018 — A new report from the Dignity for All Campaign highlights the precarious lives of people across Canada and the need for a comprehensive national, anti-poverty plan. Living in the Gap: A…

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International Migrants Day 2017

International Migrants Day 2017

December 18 marks International Migrants Day! Today, CPJ upholds the right to migration, acknowledging that all people have a right to seek safety from terror, persecution, war, and natural disaster, as well as to pursue economic security. CPJ stands #WithRefugees and affirms that they are welcome in our communities!

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Letter: Canada should phase out fossil fuel subsidies

December 2017

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CPJ joined our partners from the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Environmental Defence, Oil Change International, Équiterre, the Climate Action Network Canada, and others to write a letter calling on Canada to take action on phasing out fossil fuel subsidies. The letter was addressed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President of the Treasury Board Scott Brison, Minister of Finance Bill Morneau, Minister of Natural Resources Jim Carr, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna, and Minister of International Trade François-Philippe Champagne.

With Canada taking on the G7 Presidency in 2018, now is the time to commit to end federal fossil fuel subsidies.

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