CPJ is excited to present our second annual virtual Justice Conference! This year's theme is Seeking Justice in our Institutions.

This virtual conference will create a space for people who share CPJ’s vision of a just and sustainable society to engage in brave, respectful, and impactful listening and learning about how we can seek justice within our institutions to honour the rights and dignity of all people, and promote the flourishing of all creation.

Through a variety of keynotes and workshops, participants will explore living examples of what it looks like to seek justice within our institutions and co-create more just, faithful, and healthy ways of relating to one another and to all of creation.

This will be a space where people’s lived experiences of oppression will be named and acknowledged, taking active steps to subvert this oppression by cultivating right relationships.

Speakers and facilitators will address issues of racism; colonialism & decolonization; disability rights; advocacy & the arts; poverty in Canada; climate justice; refugee and migrant rights; and the intersections of faith and justice.

Keynotes and workshops will invite participants to learn from speakers' lived experiences and other forms of expertise and explore how our institutions and organizational cultures play a role in seeking justice. While some workshops have a specific focus on Christian theology, cultural norms, and institutions, all participants are welcome, regardless of faith background.

"Coffee-break" discussion groups will allow participants to engage and connect with one another throughout the conference, creating space to chat, network, and process new learning and ideas. During registration, you can choose to meet new people each time you attend a coffee break, or to meet with the same group each time.


Click here for full keynote and workshop descriptions!


This virtual conference is being hosted using Zoom. Dial-in options and closed captioning will be available for all keynotes and workshops. All Zoom links and dial-in information for keynotes, workshops, and “coffee break” discussion groups will be emailed to participants the week prior to the conference.

Participants are invited to share any accommodations that would enable them to participate fully in this conference through the registration form. Please contact Natalie Appleyard if you have any questions.

Meet the Team!

Citizens for Public Justice would like to thank the following individuals for their invaluable contributions to this event as members of our Organizing Committee:

Bernadette Arthur
Ra'anaa Brown
Jasmine Duckworth
Serisha Iyar
Connor Lafortune
Divy Sallentes Uptegrove


We would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the following sponsors:

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